Cake Smash
Cake Smashing with Babies First Photo
Capture the pure delight and wonder in the eyes of your little one they enjoy their very first birthday “smash”! One year is when personality really starts to show, and there’s nothing like that moment when your child finds and freely reacts to their own delicious birthday cake.
All children are different—some pounce on the cake, some play with the whipped cream, others attempt to daintily discover what’s inside. No matter how they enjoy it, these moments are incredibly cute and unforgettable.
You can bring your own cake if you’d like, or I would be happy to bring the cake myself, picked up from my favorite local pastry shop, “Die Rosienenpicker’’
Your baby and I will have a wonderful time together. We'll sing and play as I capture your child’s beautiful moments—a look of surprise, a soulful gaze, a delighted grin. All in all, things are very relaxed with me; it is like a playdate with a good friend. We might start by dressing the child; I always have beautiful outfits on hand or you can bring your own.
I also have a selection of charming toys here in the studio so that your child can play while I work my magic camera. I always like to take a family photo too. Then comes the birthday cake! This part is so exciting and delicious (because—of course we share some cake!) that many of my clients don’t want it to end!
I will pack the rest of the cake so you can take it home with you--as we move onto the last part of the photo session: the bubble bath! This is a bath than any child would love. In a mini-bathtub, the child has a blast with foam and soap bubbles while I click away!
Cake-Smash oder Erster Geburtstag - 350€
* 1.5 h Fotoshooting im Studio
* 20 hochauflösende und bearbeitete Fotos Ihrer Wahl als Download oder auf einem USB Stick
* Geburtstagstorte nach Wunsch
( Aufschlag Samstag/Sonntag/Feiertag 100€ )
* jede weitere Datei 15€
Die Preise enthalten das Fotografenhonorar, die Bildbearbeitung, dem jeweiligen Produkt selbst und der gesetzlichen Mehrwertsteuer.
Call us 0176-874 15 823